Blightreaper sword pickup at end of mission triggers massive damage to team

I heard the bottles you find in the mission MAY be contributing to a smaller curse DOT on the party…

Thank you for the response, I appreciate the info. Great patch by the way!

So guys here are some cases from me… nothing worked properly:

  1. 1st run on this map with a friend. We found no grim and played on champ. We both stand in the BR room and got a sick dot.

  2. 1 grim on legend. 3 ppl were in the room, we may took 1-2 bottles with us. The 4th was outside when someone started it. 1 survived with 1 HP left.

  3. 2 grims legend, everybody had full health. I found about 8 bottles or more. The bottles count for everyone, because you hear an audio if someone find one. So atleast our Kruber took the sword, meanwhile me and the other 2 player waited at the door. The dot was still insane strong, it needed 3-4 ticks for me and dwarf to stay on 1 HP. Saltz and Kruber died. Kruber stucked somewhere with his ultimate, so i don´t know if he and saltz probably died to mobs. The dwarf didn´t faound any bottle. I took all.

So it seems there is no impact from the bottles, cuddling together or the room itself. FS probably just exaggerated it or it´s bugged.

The thing is, I have done runs without barely any damage, but only the first day of beta. Did the numbers change?
The first time I played this (Veteran with bots to explore the map and get to know the level) I had no problem at all with the sword. I saw that the damage over time of the sword was similar to that of a gas cloud.
But right now it’s unplayable. Even with bottles, the last part is incredibly difficult, even with the party at Full HP (2 Grimoires though :thinking:)
But, since it’s been acknowledged, we can expect it to be fixed by the 28th :smile:

As far as I can tell, it only takes you down to 1 hp. It does not kill you, at least it hasn’t killed me or my parties every run we’ve done. Has a weird one when I played kruber and he didn’t take any damage at all, but everyone else dropped to 1hp nearly instantly.

I got killed by it 1 time yet. I was near the bridge of shadow and waited there for the others who meant to fight. It just ticked down. Seems pretty bugged to me, if i compare every expierence here with the vague statement of hedge.

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Everytime I have played it, which is 4 to 5 times now at least one person gets downed from the DoT.
Our strategy now is have highest health person get the sword while everyone else waits at the door and runs for their life.
Merc is very nice to have in the party for this map with his temp health on active.

The DoT has killed me several times, so the behavior must be very inconsistent. Maybe it’s a client/host inconsistency? :thinking:

It seems to be bugged, so that it takes you down to 1 HP normally, but if you take any healing in that state, it triggers another tick which can (and likely will) down you. Temp health from Talents, NB, Elf’s regen… Any healing small enough to be overwhelmed by the damage will drop you. I have no idea if the “death protection” effect gets bypassed if healed with items (as they will heal you enough for one tick to not take you out, and it could get reinstated).

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Its downed me several times when I have had no healing available to me. No pots, med kits, natural bond. Nothing.

Edit: Two times I was playing Slayer, third time was playing Shade, fourth was WS…so maybe her regen came into play but it doesn’t explain the first three.

It’s weird that people are saying the sword kills them. I’ve finished Blightreaper 3 times now, and while my health drops all the way to 1, it doesn’t kill me. Strange it would be so inconsistent.

Lately, instead of killing me on the way to the portal, it allows me to live with 1HP…
Until all players reach the portal. THEN it kills me.

Another weird bit of info on this from playing it a bunch this weekend:
While on green health it downed me. Once I was revived and was on gray health it ticked me down to 1 hp and then stopped.

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