AI director pure RNG fun

We were playing low5, nothing out ordinary during the whole mission, even the last event was very easy… of course that had to be changed on last staircase which leads down to the elevator.

Whole staircase was spammed with poxwalkers, ive managed to side dodge them, when i was about to eneter elevator ive noticed whole horde of ranged units along with 6 shotgunners started chasing other guys on the stairs… low intensity right?

Shotgunners made sure that whole team is dead now, i have 20hp and i am trying to doge bullets and patiently busy wait for my downed teammates to die to be able to press elevator button.

that was the best low intrnsity event ever :wink:


Is that Vigil Oblivitum Intel? I noticed the escape spawns have been a lot meaner lately.

Server-side tweak for sure. Fishy did not like our criticism on forums and takes petty revenge :slight_smile:
Another observation of how Fish loves their players:

  • High stats weapons are more likely to be Devil’s Claw Swords both servitor’s and Melk’s shops.
  • T4 Blessings are more likely to land on… you guessed it Devil’s claw sword in Melk’s shop.
  • And do you think you see high stat staff or force sword as Psyker in Melk’s shop? Maybe once in a month at best. But “here is you daily Devil’s claw sword Freak”.

3+ Dreg Stalker/Shotgunner patrols in a row really tests patience.

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2 Mutants tag-team is my personal favorite :slight_smile:

The same disablers have noticeably been spawning in pairs or triples too. Or that high intensity where we had 3 mutants followed immediately by another 2.

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Since Thursday I feel there has been a lot of instant spawns and overwhelming hordes even on low intensities.
I’ve had a few times when a whole horde spawned from no where next to me.

Not sure if they changed something server side last week or if I’m just being paranoid…

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2? Unless you’re trying to clutch that’s nothing. Try 3 with a couple of dogs thrown in for good measure, and maybe a trapper to keep things spicy

I wish they’d touch the maniac damage on the other 2 duelling swords, fighting a mutant is pain with MK 2/4 while I can butcher a damnation one in 4-5 hits on Mk 5 and even less with crits/headshots which I’ll mention again the Mk 5 can actually hit enemies from behind with, which weirdly includes mutant despite his tiny head and huge body. C’mon man.

Ofc in clutch moments when everything goes ploin-shaped, that wonderful tag-team is just enough to end the run in whimsical way. While normally they are just a minor hindrance.


I do love being juggled by the gruesome twosome

3 mutants and a dog is minimum vaible for a good hi int run.
When you kill the dog it immediately spawns another.

Weird flex, waiting for you teammates to die…
Sweaty af

I have been finding 370+ Recon Lasguns A LOT. Up to the point that I have around 15 waiting and am not buying more even though they still appear daily in my shops.

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