Opinion Poll: Best QP Legend Carry Careers

BH - Volley Crossbow: Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage, ammo sustain, ranged

Why is it strong?
Spammable damage, Scrounger on guaranteed crits, Blessed shots costs no ammo, right charged 1 shots Elites, Boss damage is really good, Special killing is easy and Hordes are easy to mow down, and give lots of ammo. Reset with 1 melee kill and shoot some more.

BH - Crossbow: Elite damage, Special damage, ammo sustain, ranged

Why is it strong?
Crits one-shot Elites and Specials on any part of the body. You can get guarunteed crits after every melee kill, making this one of the easiest and yet strongest careers. Scrounger on guaranteed crits, Blessed shots costs no ammo.

BH - Repeater Handgun: Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage, ammo sustain, ranged

Why is it strong?
Scrounger on guaranteed crits, Blessed shots costs no ammo, right charged 1 shots Elites, Boss damage is really good, Special killing is easy and Hordes are easy to mow down, and give lots of ammo. Reset with 1 melee kill and shoot some more. Crit Power + Power VS Chaos + Hunter works best with this, as you can almost one-shot Chaos Warriors. It also makes Bosses take more damage.

Shade - Glaive/DD/SnD/(Spear?): Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage

Why is it strong?
Weapons are versatile, mobile and have decent Armour damage. Add this on to the 15% Power with a Grim. What really makes it strong is the ult and it’s cooldown. Every ult can kill a Chaos Warrior, Elites, Specials, and by running Resourceful Combatant, you can spam get your ult up. With the ult being so strong and having such a short cooldown you don’t need to run certain weapons for Boss damage.

WS - Longbow/Glaive: Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage, ammo sustain

Why is it strong?
The ultimate’s ability to kill Specials without having to really aim. It can also kill up to 3 Storm Vermin. The ammo sustained from the ultimate’s talent is also really strong when coupled with Scrounger on the Longbow. Being able to control specials and remove a lot of potential mistakes from your teammates is huge. Glaive for wave clear/Chaos Warrior.

WS - Hagbane(Barrage)/ARP weapon: Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage(unarmoured), ammo sustain, ranged

Why is it strong?
You can spam clear and CC hordes, melt bosses and use your melee on Elites if necessary. Specials can be easily delt with by landing 3-4 shots, while still having ult for them if it’s needed. Your ultimate gives you the ammo replenishment to keep going.

Pyro - Beam/Flamewave (Cooldown builds): Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage, ammo sustain, ranged

Why is it strong?
The ultimate does too high damage on too many enemies and it’s cooldown is too short. With these builds the ultimate becomes spammable. You have unlimited ammo and quick overheat reduction, with a Grim. This means you can sit at about 80-90% HP, burning temporary health from all of your ranged spam kills.

Huntsman - Longbow/Halberd: Elite damage, Boss damage, horde damage, Special damage, ammo sustain, ranged

What is it strong?
The Longbow’s rate of fire, accuracy and range while also having a lot of Crit and ammo replenishment. Huntsman has an in-built Conservative Shooter, which give more Crit(from “Makin’ It Look Easy” talent), which, if running Scrounger, provides you with lots of ammo replenishment. Increased crit also means that he can kill Specials and Elites in one hit. It also means that he can fire into hordes once he has the increased Crit and refill his ammo. His ult can no longer one shot Chaos Warriors without builds or headshots, but doesn’t stop him from being able to hit/kill them from range with headshot/body Crits. Unlike BH you don’t need a melee kill to keep going, so you can keep killing from range for almost all of the map.

Will probably come and tweak this later. It’s not in any sort of order. I can get the same results with Spear, but others have said they find it useless. Glaive and Halberd make any career strong.

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